Every parent or caregiver wants the best for their child. We want our kids to be happy, successful, and free to be kids! Below are some parenting tools and guidance that we hope you find helpful!
- Structure provides stability and consistency for children and helps them focus.
- Routines are easy ways to provide structure – especially with mealtimes and bedtime.
- If the daily routine is going to be different, give your kid a heads up so they can easily adjust.
Rules & Discipline
- Start with only a few rules. It’s hard for young kids to remember too many rules.
- Clearly explain the rules (home, school, etc.) and what they mean.
- Follow through on communication! If you promise a reward or discipline for the next time your child does something, make sure you stick to your word.
- Discipline is to teach – explain your reasons for saying no or for what your child did wrong.
Open Communication – Come to an understanding about possible dangerous situations, consequences, and establish trust between you and your child.
Public Safety – Be aware of surroundings in public and follow the buddy system if not with a parent or trusted adult.
Home Safety -Identify escape routes and a meeting place in case of a fire, keep little ones away from open flames and hot surfaces, keep medications and chemicals out of reach, put safety covers on electrical outlets, and keep firearms locked away.
Community Safety – Identify houses and persons listed as sex offenders so your child knows where to be extra cautious. Texas Sex Offender Registry Search – https://publicsite.dps.texas.gov/SexOffenderRegistry/Search
Drug Safety – talk to your kids about the dangers of drugs, answer any questions they have, and set rules, expectations, and consequences.
Babysitter Safety – Choose a babysitter recommended by a trusted source and ask for references, make sure the babysitter is qualified and can handle an emergency, and tell your babysitter where you will be and share phone numbers.
Car Safety – Wear seat belts ALL THE TIME! Follow rules below for car seat safety and ask your local fire stations or Ag. Extension Office to check for correct installation.
- Babies under 2 = Rear-Facing car seat
- Toddlers = Forward-Facing car seat – Must have out grown the weight and height limits for rear-facing car seats
- Older and Bigger Kids = Booster seat – Under 4’9” and has outgrown the weight and height limit of forward-facing car seats
- Kids ready for seat belts – Over 4’9” and outgrown booster seat
Internet Safety – Set parental controls, teach children not to respond to cyberbullying, know what apps your child is using, talk to your child and teach them that they can talk to you if they see something they shouldn’t.
Phone and Gaming Safety – Know what apps your child is using, be aware of and set rules regarding social media accounts, monitor any chats or messaging within video games.
Sleeping Safety – Remove pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals from baby’s sleeping area, don’t allow babies to sleep on couches, chairs, regular beds, or other soft surfaces, lay baby on back to sleep, opt for room-sharing rather than co-sleeping to minimize risk for baby.
Water Safety – Always watch kids in and around water (swimming, bath time, etc.), use fences around pools, use life jackets around open water, teach kids to always swim with a buddy and what to do in an emergency.
Body Safety – Teach children correct terms for body parts, make sure they feel comfortable coming to you or another trusted adult if anyone ever hurts them or makes them feel uncomfortable, watch for signs and symptoms of child abuse, and if they disclose…LISTEN and REPORT!
Available Resources
See flyers below for parenting classes offered in Guadalupe County. Click on either image to enroll.

Click on the logos below to find helpful resources and guidelines for parents and caregivers.

Visit our Survivors page for counseling resources, psychological assessment referrals, and more for you or your child.
Visit our Guadalupe County Resources page for various resources located in Guadalupe County and organized by category.
Children’s Advocacy Centers of Texas. Prevention & Awareness Materials. Retrieved from https://www.cactx.org/prevention-awareness-materials.
Guadalupe County Children’s Advocacy Center (2015). Structure, rules, boundaries, and child safety. [PowerPoint presentation].